pasta by the pound - mini spaghetti


$15 per pound

This pasta is made with high-quality durum semolina and crystal clear water, carefully selected for its purity, and then skillfully extruded through a traditional bronze die. The semolina, imported all the way from the sun-kissed fields of Italy, adds a unique depth of flavor and an unmistakable texture to each delightful strand. Every batch of this exceptional pasta is meticulously handcrafted through our bronze die extruder with both passion and dedication, ensuring that only the finest quality reaches your kitchen. Once expertly dried, it is meticulously packaged, with every box thoughtfully secured with a silica gel packet to preserve its pristine freshness until the moment you're ready to unleash its culinary potential. For your convenience, clear and concise cooking instructions are elegantly labeled on the box, effortlessly guiding you to perfect pasta perfection each time you treat yourself to this exquisite culinary creation.

Ah, mini spaghetti! Those tiny, bite-sized strands of pasta pack a big punch of versatility and fun. Here's the lowdown on these miniature marvels:


  • Imagine regular spaghetti shrunken down to half or even one-third their size in thickness.

  • They keep the traditional cylindrical shape, just in a pint-sized version.


  • Mini spaghetti's exact origin is a bit fuzzy, but they've gained popularity in recent years as a fun and playful alternative to regular spaghetti.

  • Their smaller size makes them ideal for kids, picky eaters, and anyone who loves a touch of whimsy in their pasta dish.

Cooking and Uses:

  • Similar to regular spaghetti, mini spaghetti is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.

  • They're perfect for lighter sauces like pesto, butter and herbs, or tomato sauce.

  • Can also be used in soups, salads, and even stir-fries for a different texture.

Fun Facts:

  • Great for portion control, as a smaller serving can be quite satisfying.

So, grab some mini spaghetti and get creative! Their adorable size and versatility make them perfect for endless culinary adventures. And remember, I'm always here to help if you have any other pasta questions.

Enjoy your mini pasta explorations!

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